The best way to schedule a session is to reach out via email, or my contact form. You can also schedule yourself in on either of my booking links in the contact tab as well. 
From there, I will get back to you within 48 hours and we can set up a time that works best for both of us. All 15 minute consults are virtual, and then from there you can choose to do sessions virtually or in person. 

I currently offer virtual sessions through my own private practice and I am eligible to see clients throughout BC. 
My private practice office is in Abbotsford where I offer in-person sessions every Monday out of the Thrive Collective Office. 

I also offer in-person sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays through Fraser Birth Collaborative in Abbotsford. 
*You don't need to be an existing client of Fraser Birth or pregnant/postpartum to see me there! 

There is nothing you need to prepare for in person services. For virtual services, it's helpful to find a quiet, private space in your home, and if one isn't available, I have done many sessions with clients who sit in their vehicles. 
What to expect is different for everyone. Depending on what you are wanting support with, I tailor each session specifically to your needs. 
Everyone though, will experience a safe, non-judgemental space to share their challenges, emotions, struggles, experiences and whatever else they want to bring up. 

Counselling is entirely confidential. Counsellors are held to the same ethical standards doctors are and all client-counsellor interactions are 100% confidential. 
Counsellors do participate in peer and clinical supervision, where we bring cases to other counsellors or a more experienced counsellor for their thoughts. In these cases, all names, identifying and personal features are removed and the goal is that your best friend could be in the room and they wouldn't know I was talking about you. 
There are 3 instances where I am required to step outside our confidential relationship and disclose some details to the appropriate authorities or support. The first is if there is suspected abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult. The second is if I believe you are at serious risk of harming yourself or someone else. Lastly, if I am subpoenaed by the courts to testify. These instances are all incredibly rare and would be discussed with you beforehand. 

This isn't an exact answer. Everyone's counselling experience is different. Some clients come for a few months and then take a break. Others come for years. The length of time depends on what your goals for counselling are and multiple life factors. 

This depends on your extended medical benefits. Most plans will cover Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC's) and my license number (20548) is on every receipt so you can self submit. 
A receipt will be provided immediately following payment which can be submitted to your provider. 

I hold a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Clinical Counselling. I am in the process of receiving my certification with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association which requires continuing education to be completed to maintain my licensing and the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counselling. 
I have also completed the Trauma Treatment Certification Training and participate in regular supervision with fellow counsellors. 

50 minute sessions are $130, and 80 minute sessions (available for virtual services only) are $170. 
Cancellation policy is 48 hours. 
I completely understand that life happens and sometimes you can't make an appointment. I try my best to accommodate emergencies by offering same week time slots to avoid cancellation fees. 

For in person sessions at Fraser Birth you can pay by debit or credit card. 

For all private practice and virtual or phone sessions you can pay by credit card or e-transfer to justine@wildheartcounselling.com.

This is likely to happen! Everyone has slightly different beliefs and world views. My job and responsibility as your counsellor is to put mine aside and focus entirely on you and your experiences. Even if we come from similar backgrounds or share similar world views, it's also important that I don't assume I know where you are coming from just because we share some similarities. You are the expert in your life and that includes your belief system and world views. 
I have worked with clients from a variety of backgrounds, religions, political views and cultures and I work continually to always be learning and remaining open to the experiences and views of others. 

How do I book a consult or session?

Where is your office?

This is my first time to counselling. What should I expect? What should I prepare?

How confidential is counselling?

How long will counselling take?

Is counselling covered by my medical?

What training and education do you have?

What are your rates and cancellation policy?

How can I pay?

What if we have different beliefs or world views?

Read more about Fraser Birth here >>

Fraser Birth Collaborative

50 minute counselling session


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80 minute counselling session


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15 minute phone or video consult


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Working Together

What is an RCC?

Read the blog!

BC Crisis Line

Talk Suicide Canada

Mental Health Support - Canada


Click to learn more

Strong back
 Soft front
Wild heart
- Brene Brown


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