
Postpartum Support Group

The postpartum period can be lonely, frustrating, overwhelming and filled with new and big emotions. We can be left feeling disconnected from ourselves and others in our life and unsure of where to turn.

Having had two kids of my own, I remember being caught off guard by the postpartum period. I knew motherhood would be hard, but it was harder and different than I thought it would be.

The support I received from a counsellor after my second child was born inspired me to pursue a career in counselling. The topic of my final masters research was how the health care system can improve the care of postpartum women. Support groups came up repeatedly in the research and how they can provide support and community. This social support has shown to improve symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety, reduce stress, improve bonding and attachment with baby, and reduce loneliness.

I am excited to be offering a postpartum support group for women out of Fraser Birth Collaborative in Abbotsford. It is inclusive of all women. Babies are welcome, but unfortunately there’s no childcare provided so please make other arrangements for older siblings.

Group is limited to 8 women.

Register HERE.

postpartum support group





Postpartum Support Group

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